Region Sjælland

Region Sjælland

Smedegade 16, 4000 Roskilde

Overlæge/klinisk forskningslektorat i psykiatri, Psykiatrien Øst Roskilde

Clinical position as consultant combined with a clinical research associate professorship in Psychiatry


is open for appointment from as soon as possible. Psychiatry East is a part of Mental Health Services - Region Zealand.,A clinical position as consultant of Psychiatry at the Department of Psychiatry East, Roskilde


The position as consultant is combined with a 5-year externally funded position as clinical research associate professor in Psychiatry at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.


With this new position the Department of Psychiatry East wishes to strengthen the leadership in clinical research and teaching in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen.


It is a requirement that the applicant is accepted for appointment of both the clinical research associate professorship and the clinical position.



The consultant will be employed in the adult psychiatric department at Mental Health Services East, Roskilde and will be linked with the Centre of Excellence for First-Episode Psychosis (OPUS), which operates throughout Region Zealand. The unit is tasked with further development and operation of the early detection of psychosis (TOP), as well as supervision, teaching and quality assurance of OPUS treatment. The clinical aspect of the post also includes clinical work to be agreed in more detail, as well as being available as a senior doctor on call from home. In addition to the senior doctor on call, there is a duty doctor and also a junior doctor on call. One-half of the working time is reserved for the pursuit of research relating to the target group.


Research and teaching

With the new position as consultant of Psychiatry and clinical research associate professor of Psychiatry, the Department of Psychiatry East wishes to strengthen leadership in clinical research and teaching.



The applicant must be a specialty doctor in (adult) psychiatry and must have documented, broad-ranging psychiatric in-service training and further education, as well as a high level of professional expertise in adult psychiatry. Documented research skills are also required, and the applicant must hold a PhD.

  The unit’s field of research has been early detection and treatment of psychosis, with a focus on the significance of early trauma in the development of psychosis, metacognitive aspects in relatives and patients, the relationship between personality and psychosis as well as family intervention in first-episode psychosis. We want to expand further by adding early assessment and intervention in pre-psychotic conditions as a field of research.Priority will be given to applicants with research experience in these fields of research.

Applicants for a position as consultant or as staff specialist must be board-certified specialist in Psychiatry.



In order to be considered, the applicant must send an application to both the Faculty (the clinical research associate professorship) and to the hospital (the clinical position) cf. the simultaneously advertised position of the clinical research associate professorship. Appointment is conditioned by the fact that the applicant obtains both positions. This also applies to the applicants who are already employed as consultants or staff specialists at the Department of Psychiatry East.


Salary and conditions of employment as consultant or staff specialist are as agreed between the Danish Regions and the Danish Association of Medical Specialists and between the Capital Region/Region Zealand and University of Copenhagen.


As clinical research associate professor at least 50 % of the working time will be allocated to academic tasks (e.g. research, teaching, evaluation tasks and communication with the public) in agreement with the Head of Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Copenhagen. The remaining time will be allocated for clinical work in agreement with the head of Psychiatry East.


Application procedure:

The application must include the following:

Curriculum Vitae and a complete list of publications

A description of how the applicant is qualified as:

Clinical expert




Health advocate




For more information please refer to


For applicants with a foreign license also a copy of the authorization certificate for specialist in Psychiatry recognition.


thThe closing date for applications is 9 January, 2019.


Further information: For further information please contact Head of Department, Michael Bech-Hansen, tel. + 45 5853 7550 or email:


The advertisement for the clinical research associate professorship is available from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen


”Apply for this position online”


Om Psykiatrien
Psykiatrien Region Sjælland er en behandlingspsykiatri, der består af en række sengeafsnit og ambulante enheder rundt omkring i regionen. Vi varetager den psykiatriske forsknings-, uddannelses- og akutforpligtelse i Region Sjælland. Vi udvikler og formidler løbende en bred vifte af psykiatriske tilbud til regionens borgere.

Med ibrugtagning af det nye psykiatrisygehus i Slagelse i 2015 har Psykiatrien samlet sengeafsnit og specialiserede funktioner tre steder: Slagelse, Roskilde og Vordingborg. De ambulante enheder er placeret i de større byer i regionen.

Psykiatrisygehuset i Slagelse er et af Europas største og mest moderne sygehuse. I byggeriet er inddraget banebrydende elementer indenfor arkitektur, brugen af lys samt kunst og natur, der også har behandlingsmæssig betydning. 

  • Fakta

  • Arbejdssted
  • Kontaktperson
    Jeanette Koldsø
  • Adresse
    Smedegade 16, 4000 Roskilde
  • Stillingstype
  • Speciale
  • Ansættelsesform
    Tidsbegrænset periode
  • Ugentlig arbejdstid
    Fuld tid
  • Ansættelsens start
  • Regionens jobnr.
  • Quick-nr.
  • Indrykningsdato
  • Ansøgningsfrist
    09-01-2019 (udløbet)

  • Fakta

  • Arbejdssted
  • Adresse
    Smedegade 16, 4000 Roskilde
  • Kontaktperson
    Jeanette Koldsø
  • Stillingstype
  • Speciale
  • Ansættelsesform
    Tidsbegrænset periode
  • Ugentlig arbejdstid
    Fuld tid
  • Ansættelsens start
  • Regionens jobnr.
  • Quick-nr.
  • Indrykningsdato
  • Ansøgningsfrist
    09-01-2019 (udløbet)

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