Region Hovedstaden
Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 København Ø
Consultancy in Internal Medicine: Gastroenterology and Hepatology combined with a clinical professorship (chair) in Internal Medicine: Gastroenterology and Hepatology
A clinical position as consultant of Internal Medicine: Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Department of Intestinal Failure and Liver Diseases at Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet is open for appointment from as soon as possible.
The position is combined with a 10-year position as clinical professor (chair) of Internal Medicine: Gastroenterology and Hepatology at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
With this new position the Department of Intestinal Failure and Liver Diseases, Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet wishes to strengthen the leadership in clinical research and teaching in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen.
It is a requirement that the applicant is accepted for appointment of both the professorship and the consultancy.
The advertisement for the professorship is available from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (
About the department
The Department of Intestinal Failure and Liver Diseases treats patients with medical gastrointestinal and liver diseases (medical gastroenterology and hepatology) at a highly specialized level.
In collaboration with the transplant surgeons the department holds the national function for liver transplantation. It serves as the main department in the work-up of recipients. The transplant program is in a developmental phase where much focus over the years has been on improving the short-term outcome. We are now entering a phase where the metabolic syndrome and viral surveillance have become determining factors to improve long-term outcome. There are around 60 liver transplants a year and the numbers are increasing due to better donor preparation with the establishment of a DCD program and the treatment modality in normo- and hypothermic perfusion of the liver graft before transplantation. There is a cohort of 400+ patients followed in an out-patient dept, and both pre- and post-transplant treatment is coordinated nationally from the dept. in collaboration with the transplant surgeons.
We also have a regional function in acute and chronic liver failure, or the placement of TIPS (Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt). Patients with severe, rare, or unclear acute and chronic liver diseases are received from across the country, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and, by special arrangement, from Iceland.
The department is also internationally recognized for its highly specialized and interdisciplinary care and treatment, and it has a regional function for the treatment of patients with severely impaired intestinal function (intestinal insufficiency/failure) and the treatment of complicated cases of inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases. Additionally, patients with rare gastrointestinal disorders, such as those with chronic diarrhea or unclear pain conditions, are also received.
The department also manages the treatment and training of patients with intestinal failure who temporarily or permanently require nutrition through the bloodstream - bypassing the gastrointestinal system, known as parenteral nutrition. The department is organized in such a way that currently, approximately 250 patients are being treated at home with parenteral nutrition.
The department has a strong research tradition that is desired to be maintained and further developed. A clinical and research laboratory is present in the department. A close research collaboration with the Department of clinical physiology and nuclear medicine at Rigshospitalet exists, whereby the most advanced MR modalities to detect consequences of the post-transplant metabolic syndrome (steatosis and fibrosis) are available. The department also works, where relevant, to support its highly specialized functions being carried out elsewhere in the country.
The department serves as a training site for both medical specialists in training, medical students, and nursing students. We have a tradition of a high degree of patient involvement, both in managing their own illness and in relation to processes of change, where patients and their families are systematically consulted. Our goal is to create an environment where patients and their families feel seen, heard, understood, and involved in decisions regarding their specific illness and life situation.
The department is staffed for 30 beds, with an associated outpatient clinic and a day care unit with 10 beds.
Clinical functions and focus areas of the department
The clinical functions will be directed mainly towards the hepatologic patients in the department ranging from liver transplant work out in the patient day-care unit to follow-up posttransplant in the out-patient dept. Furthermore, patients in acute and acute in chronic liver failure must be a focus both in cases where it is induced by extensive liver surgery, transplantation, or pre-transplant in both the medical and surgical ward. The consultant will be a part of the clinical leader team in the dept. and of course have the responsibility for the hepatological research area and to collaborate for the overall research strategy of the department’s other professors in gastroenterology and surgery respectively. There will be no on-call duty related to the position.
Research and teaching
With this new position the Department of Intestinal Failure and Liver Diseases, Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet wishes to strengthen the leadership in clinical research and teaching in collaboration with the University of Copenhagen.
Applicants must be board-certified specialist in Internal Medicine: Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
In order to be considered, the applicant must send an application to both the faculty (the professorship) and to the hospital (the consultancy) cf. the simultaneously advertised position of the professorship. Appointment is conditioned by the fact that the applicant obtains both positions. This also applies to the applicants who are already employed as consultants at Copenhagen University Hospital – Rigshospitalet.
Salary and conditions of employment as consultant are as agreed between the Danish Regions and the Danish Association of Medical Specialists and between the Capital Region/Region Zealand and University of Copenhagen.
As clinical professor at least 50 % of the working time will be allocated to academic tasks (e.g., research, teaching, evaluation tasks and communication with the public) in agreement with the Head of Department of Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Copenhagen. The remaining time will be allocated for clinical work in agreement with the head of the department of Intestinal Failure and Liver Diseases at Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet. The clinical professor will receive secretarial or technical support equivalent to 50 % of a full-time secretary position from the department of Intestinal Failure and Liver Diseases. Additional support and details on the working conditions must be negotiated with the head of the department of Intestinal Failure and Liver Diseases, Copenhagen University Hospital - Rigshospitalet.
Application procedure
The application must include the following:
- Curriculum Vitae and a complete list of publications
- Copy of the authorization certificate for specialist in Internal Medicine: Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
- A description of how the applicant is qualified as
- Clinical expert
- Communicator
- Collaborator
- Manager/administrator/organizer
- Health advocate
- Scholar/researcher/teacher
- Professional
For more information, please refer to Sundhedsstyrelsen: The Seven Roles of Physicians.
The closing date for applications is July 8th 2024.
Further information:
For further information please contact tel. + 45 3545 8780, or email:
Information on Terms of employment for the Capital Region.
Apply for this position online here and at University of Copenhagen here.
- Arbejdssted
Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej -
Jens Hillingsø - Adresse
Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 København Ø - Stillingstype
Overlæge - Speciale
Intern medicin: Gastroenterologi og hepatologi - Ansættelsesform
Fast ansættelse - Ugentlig arbejdstid
Fuld tid - Ansættelsens start
Snarest muligt - Regionens jobnr.
256509 - Quick-nr.
463618 - Indrykningsdato
27-05-2024 -
08-07-2024 (udløbet)
Jobbet er udløbet...
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- Arbejdssted
Rigshospitalet, Blegdamsvej - Adresse
Blegdamsvej 9, 2100 København Ø -
Jens Hillingsø - Stillingstype
Overlæge - Speciale
Intern medicin: Gastroenterologi og hepatologi - Ansættelsesform
Fast ansættelse - Ugentlig arbejdstid
Fuld tid - Ansættelsens start
Snarest muligt - Regionens jobnr.
256509 - Quick-nr.
463618 - Indrykningsdato
27-05-2024 -
08-07-2024 (udløbet)